Western Massachusetts Emergency Net

Franklin County


This is <call sign>. The Western Massachusetts Emergency Net – Franklin County starts in one minute. Does anyone need to use the repeater before I begin?

Net Call / Description / Meeting Time & Location:

Good evening, this is <name, call sign> in <QTH>, Massachusetts, net control station for the Western Massachusetts Emergency Net – Franklin County. This net is part of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service and the National Traffic System of the ARRL. The purpose of this net is to pass traffic, conduct ARES business, air announcements of interest to the amateur community and answer any questions about ARES, NTS or any other emergency communications topics. This net meets every Tuesday evening at 2000 hours local time on the KB1BSS repeater in Leyden, Mass on 146.985 Mhz, negative offset, with a PL of 136.5 hz.

Net Procedures:

This is a directed net. Please do not break the net unless you have emergency or priority traffic. Please do not leave the net without informing net control if at all possible. When checking into the net, please give me your call phonetically and your power source as commercial or battery. Traffic and announcements will be handled first, followed by general check-ins using the first letter of your call suffix.

Traffic / Announcements:

I am now looking for any stations with traffic or announcements. Stations with traffic or announcements only, please call net control.

<Station(s) with traffic>, please list your traffic.
If there are any stations that can handle traffic for <list traffic>, please call net control.
<Station receiving traffic>, please call <station with traffic> and take <number of messages> for <list traffic> on an alternate frequency if possible and then return to the net.

<Stations with announcement(s)>, please make your announcement(s).

General Check-ins:

This is <call sign>, net control station for the Western Massachusetts Emergency Net – Franklin County.

I am now looking for ARES, NTS, or other officials. ARES, NTS, or other officials only, please call net control.

Stations with or without traffic, first letter suffix: A, B, C, or D. Please call now.
Stations with or without traffic, first letter suffix: E, F, G, or H. Please call now.
Stations with or without traffic, first letter suffix: I, J, K, or L. Please call now.
Stations with or without traffic, first letter suffix: M, N, O, or P. Please call now.
Stations with or without traffic, first letter suffix: Q, R, S, T or U. Please call now.
Stations with or without traffic, first letter suffix: V,W, X, Y or Z. Please call now.

Final Call:

This is <call sign>, net control station for the Western Massachusetts Emergency Net – Franklin County. I am now looking for any and all stations that wish to join the net. Any and all stations that wish to join, please call net control.

Is there any further business for the net before I close?


The Western Massachusetts Emergency Net – Franklin County thanks the FCARC for the use of the KB1BSS repeater. I will return the repeater to regular amateur radio use at the close of the net. I thank those who brought traffic and announcements, those who joined me this evening on the net, and those stations who stood by while the net was being conducted. The net is now secure at <local time>. <Call sign> is clear. 73.

Formatted from the WMA ARES generic net template of January 13, 2007 for the FCARC web site by Walton Congdon W1ZPB on September 20, 2007